Tourism has the potential to create demand, and by demand creation we mean increased number of consumers. Well, the amount of products and services that consumers use, and whether they consume them or not is a completely different matter. What we know is that tourism, by its very nature, creates demand for products and services. The reason for this is that the sector involves several activities where services and products must be used. Another reason is that tourism involves exploring and enjoying to one’s fullest. Tourists want to try out new things; they want adventure. After all, that’s why they spend a lot of money touring.
Now, everyone wants to enjoy their tour. Thus, besides the basic expenses that tourists must incur, they may want to spend money on other things, so that they can leverage their enjoyment and travel time. For instance, if you’re on a business tour in Paris, France, you may want to see The Eiffel Tower or The Louvre Museum during your free time. Or if you’re touring Turkey to meet your business partners, you may want to shop at the Grand Bazaar. Therefore, tourists are typically consumers of our local products and services.